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[高校教师招聘] 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院2014年人才招聘启事

发表于 2014-4-1 09:03:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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能源科学与工程学院(http://power.hit.edu.cn)成立于1994年,其前身为哈工大动力工程 系。动力工程系建于1954年,是我国最早的动力工程学科之一。学院现有2个系:能源与环境工程系、飞行器推进及流体动力系;3个本科专业:能源与动力工程专业、飞行器动力工程专业、核工程与核技术专业。其中。能源与动力工程专业下设热能工程、热力发动机、空调与制冷、流体动力机械4个专业方向。学院“动 力工程及工程热物理”为国家一级重点学科,同时是国家“985工程”和“211工程”重点建设学科,具有一级学科博士学位授予权,并设有博士后流动站,下 设6个二级学科:工程热物理、热能工程、动力机械及工程、流体机械及工程、制冷及低温工程、化工过程机械,以上6个二级学科均具有博士学位授予权。


1)青年千人人才:年龄不超过40周岁;在海外知名高校取得博士学位,并有3年以上海外科研工作经历;在国内取得博士学位的,应在海外从事教学或研究工作 5年以上;在海外知名高校、科研机构或知名企业研发机构有正式教学或科研职位;是所从事科研领域同龄人中的拔尖人才,有成为该领域学术或技术带头人的发展潜力。申报人引进后应全职回国工作;已经在国内工作的,回国时间应在一年内。待遇:聘为教授和博士生导师;40万元年薪;国家提供50万元安家费;国家提供100-300万元专项经费,哈工大给予1:1配套支持。提供实验室空间和独立的办公场所。

2)青年拔尖人才:学风严谨、遵纪守法、德才兼备。申报教授岗位年龄一般不超过35周岁,申报副教授岗位一般不超过30周岁。具有广阔的学术视野和创新思 维,为所从事领域同龄人中的拔尖人才,并获得学术界同行的认可,有成为该领域领军人物的潜质。申报人入选后应全职来校工作。教授岗位待遇:学校为校外入选者提供60万元安家费;提供30-100万元科研启动经费。副教授岗位待遇:学校为校外入选者提供20万元安家费;提供10-20万元科研启动经费。提供实验室空间和独立的办公场所。



帅 永   电话:0451-86412308   shuaiyong@hit.edu.cn

Full-Time Faculty Positions of School of Energy Science and Engineering in Harbin Institute of Technology

Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT, http://www.hit.edu.cn ) was founded in 1920. In 1954, the Ministry of Higher Education designated, for the first time, six national key universities. HIT was among the first group of universities to be included in Project 985 and Project 211. In 1999, HIT was listed as one of the top nine key universities in China.

School of Energy Science and Engineering (SESE, http://power.hit.edu.cn ), develops from the Department of Power Engineering. The department was established in 1955, and it consists of three undergraduate majors, i.e. Boiler Engineering, Thermo-turbomachinery and Hydraulic Machinery. They are the first such majors founded in China. SESE was established in June, 1994, including two departments, Energy and Environment Engineering Department, and Flight Vehicle Propulsion and Fluid Dynamics Department; three undergraduate majors, Energy and Power Engineering, Flight Vehicle Power Engineering and Nuclear Engineering and Nuclear Technology. SESE has a strong reputation in teaching and scientific research. There are one national first-class key discipline, two-national defense key disciplines, two provincial level key disciplines, one national engineering laboratory, three provincial key laboratories, one provincial project center, on post doctor working station, one doctor degree program affiliated with the first-class discipline, six doctor degree programs affiliated with the second-class sub-disciplines, six Master degree programs, one national lecturing exemplary on mechanics, one national exemplary laboratory, on innovative research team in NSFC one innovative research team in university, one innovative research team in national defense industry, one national teaching team, two national excellent courses and two provincial excellent courses.

SESE invites applications from qualified individuals for eight (8) faculty positions at the rank of Full/Associate/Assistant Professor, in the areas of energy chemistry, new energy materials, fuel cell, new energy science and engineering, nuclear engineering, and so on. Applicants must possess a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Energy Engineering, Materials Engineering, or a closely related discipline and have demonstrated evidence of research and teaching excellence. Each successful candidate is expected to establish and/or sustain a vigorous research program in energy science and engineering of one or more aforementioned areas and to contribute to high-quality undergraduate and graduate educate education in his/her specialized areas by using English and/or Chinese.
HIT offers a highly competitive compensation and benefits package. Salary and rank will commensurate with qualifications and experience.

1) Members of “Recruitment Program for Global Young Talents”
Positions: Successful candidate is hired as professor and doctoral supervisor.
Annual Salary: 400,000 RMB
Living Allowance: A living allowance of 500,000RMB will be provided by the Central Government.
Special Funds for ResearchersThe Central Government will provide special project funds of 1 to 3million RMB to individual researcher. HIT will match the same amount of funds to the individual as well.

2) Members of “Recruitment Program for Young Talents” in HIT
Positions: Successful candidate is hired as professor or associate professor.
Living Allowance: A living allowance of 600,000RMB (for professor) or 200,000RMB (for associate professor) will be provided by the HIT.
Special Funds for ResearchersHIT will provide special project funds of 300 thousand to 1 million RMB to individual professor from outside researcher. HIT will provide special project funds of 100 to 200 thousand RMB to individual professor from outside researcher.

3) More, HITSESE is recruiting talents worldwide as faculty positions at the rank of Full / Associate /Assistant Professor and excellent postdoctoral fellows in Energy Science and Engineering.
The review of applications will begin and continue until all positions are filled. For applicants, please submit a complete application package, including a cover letter, CV, a statement (2 pages) of teaching and research interests, a plan (3 pages) for future research, the names and contact information (postal, e-mail, fax and telephone numbers) of three referees, preferably electronically, to:

Dr. Yong Shuai
Room 544
DongLi Building in HIT Campus
Harbin Institute of Technology
92 West Dazhi St., NanGang District, Harbin City, P.R. China, 150001

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